


The thing in the photo above is not an alien spaceship full of equipment to turn cows inside out. It's a circular greenscreen in the workshop @ Softys. You film stuff in there and can then insert the stuff you film into some other video background using the magic of vidsheo tech-mole-agogy (or something).

If this sounds like something you want to do - here's some flippin' excellent news for you...

Byren Sawell has offered to facilitate a bunch of filming sessions for bands. We have two 360º video cameras available and you can bring other cameras as you wish. We're not offering to edit your video*. If you bring a hard drive, we will copy across your footage from the 360º cameras at the end. We have VR goggles here for viewing 360º clips.

Softys isn't charging any $ for use of the green screen, but we do have a few T&Cs…

all participants (musos, crew, support people) must be paid-up Softys Clubhouse members. Membership is $5 per person and covers you up till June 30 this year. Your team being members gives us assurance that you agree to being friendly safe animals and helps with our insurance.

a Softys venue-accredited* person needs to be onsite – this is easy as Byren has offered to facilitate this program.

we would like you to credit Softys Clubhouse as appropriate

we would like a copy of your video and to be able to use snippets to promote stuff that has been produced here.

you retain all your full copyright/IP – we are working on options to broadcast content, but if we want to include your stuff will always consult first. If any income streams are developed from content, all financial dealings will be transparent and by specific agreement with you.

Get in quick. The green screen will only be up for the next few weeks and Byren will get sick of wrangling this program after a short while.

EMAIL Byren to find oot more :)

*VIDEO EDITORS - if any Softys Clubhouse members wish to offer their services to edit videos, please get in touch. You may be a beginner and are offering to edit something for free to get experience or teach yourself how to do greenscreen. If you are experienced, you should definitely charge $ for your services. Charge whatever you think is reasonable and we will pass your offer on to those who book in to use the greenscreen. We can also list your offer on this page if you like.

EMAIL Byren to offer your services :)

*SOFTYS VENUE-ACCREDITED PERSON - if you're wondering how to become a Softys venue-accredited person – this just means you need to be...                

a) a Softys Clubhouse member

b) have been briefed on safety and security

c) have already volunteered at someone else's Softys event – though if your first event is minor and venue people know you, it may be possible to get accredited in the process of running your first event.

d) you may also need other specific skills or experience to operate particular equipment

EMAIL Softy to find oot more about getting approved :)